Kids Summer Reading 2012
Dream Big
June 16 - July 22
Ages Birth to 11
Kids! Get ready to Dream Big this summer. Read books and win prizes – including the chance to win an eReader! See amazing magicians, bubbles, singers, dancers, all kinds of creepy crawly creatures and even become junior astronomers. It all happens June 16, through July 22.
Sign Up & Start Reading
Signups start June 16. Go to any Library Location to sign up for the program and get a reading log.
Prizes for Food, Fines and Fun
Turn in your reading log to win fun prizes from the grab bag. Win food coupons to Panda Express, Carl’s Jr., Subway or Round Table. Or choose to pay off some of your library fines. You’ll also be entered into a drawing to win one of six eReaders! So the more you read, the more chances you have to win.
Dream Big Booklists offer great suggestions for summer reads.
PreK – 3rd Grade 4th - 6th Grade 7th - 12th Grade
Dream Big Activity Sheets (in PDF format)
Toddler-PreK: Night Time Alphabet (English) (Español) PreK-2nd Grade: Night Hidden Pictures (English) (Español) 2nd-6th Grade: How Many Words Can You Make? (English) (Español) 3rd-6th Grade: Night Creatures Word Scramble (English) (Español) 5th-8th Grade: Outer Space Crossword (English) All Ages: Dream Jar (English) (Español)
Dream Big Events*
Abdullatif (African Drumming) Central Valley Astronomers (Solar Viewing) E&M’s Reptile Family Juggler Isaac Magic of Kenny B plus other fabulous Magic Shows Oklin Bloodworth (Dance to Music) Wild Child Adventures (Bubble Guy) All Events
For more information about the Kids Summer Reading Program, Ask Us.
*Due to the popularity of Summer Reading Events and to ensure the safety of our customers, Library staff are required to stay within the capacity limits set for each Library location. Preregistration may be required for some events to help fulfill these requirements. Staff may hand out tickets or use a counting device at the event to ensure capacity and safety limits are maintained. Thank you for your cooperation.
The Library thanks these generous local sponsors for their support of the 2012 Summer Reading Program.