Libraries Experience eBook Shortage

Why can’t you get your favorite eBook at the Library? We really do want to offer as many eBooks as we can to our customers. However, some publishers' policies are preventing us from doing so.  For example, of the six major publishers:

  • Some don’t sell any eBooks to libraries – including Fresno County Public Library.
  • Some sell eBooks to libraries, but at inflated prices 100%-300% higher than list prices.
  • Some put restrictions on eBook usage, such as the number of times an e-book can be checked out, delayed availability and/or “expiration” dates.

We think this is wrong.  If you do too, write or call each publisher to let them know what you think. Or write to your favorite author care of their publisher. For your convenience, contact information and sample letters are provided here.

For More Information

  • County Librarian Laurel Prysiazny’s message on the eBook shortage.
  • FAQ regarding eBooks and U.S. libraries from the American Library Association.
  • eBooks for Libraries for ongoing information and to sign a petition.
  • State Library of Kansas’ The Big 6 Facebook page highlights eBooks affected by these restrictive policies.