Fines & Fees
- Library Materials Check-Out
- Basic overdue rate: $0.25 per item per day overdue, not to exceed $4.00 per item.
- Delinquent accounts (Unpaid fines/fees in excess of $100): $7.50 collections agency fee.
- Replacement Library cards: $2.00 per card (includes sales tax).
- Lost and damaged materials: Cost of item.
- Lost or Damaged Laptop: Cost of replacement or repair of laptop.
- Cracked Laptop Screen: $200.00
- Lost Power Cord: $10.00
- Lost Mouse: $5.00
- Overdue Laptop/Mobile Device $0.25 per hour overdue.
- Pay a Fine/Fee
- Copies
- Photocopies (except from microform)
- Self-Serve Photocopies: $0.10 per page. - Photocopies from microform
- Staff-made copies: $1.00 per page.
- Self Service: $0.10 per page. - Self-Made Computer printouts: $0.10 per page (black & white)/ $0.50 per page (color).
- Photocopy and printout fees will be charged to patrons supplying their own paper.
- Scanning of materials housed in the Heritage Center
- Only available at the Central Library, Heritage Center: $1.00 per item up to 10 pages. - Self-Service Kiosk Scan: $0.00
- Scanning Material Fee:
- Send to customer's personal USB: $0.00
- Send to customer's personal Email: $0.00
- CD: $2.00 - Information Delivery
- Faxed information:
$1.00 for the first page, plus $0.30 for each additional page.
No charge for FAX cover sheet. Check your branch page to see if FAX services are available. - Mailed Information: $1.00 for the first page, plus $0.30 for each additional page.
- Other Special Services
- Flash Drive: $5.00 (includes sales tax).
- Meeting Room cleaning charge: Use of room: $0. If cleaning required after use: $60 per hour with $30 minimum. Damage Fine: cost to repair.
- Service charge: $18.00 for returned checks.
- Headphones: $5.00 (includes sales tax).
- Earbuds: $2.00 (includes sales tax).
- 3D Printer fee: $2.00 per hour.
The Master Schedule of Fees is approved by the Fresno County Board of Supervisors.
Updated 10/2024