Free Wireless Internet Access
The library's WiFi is currently available and accessible 24/7 (normally available only during open hours) outside of our library branches. Please practice responsible social distancing when connecting to the network near our buildings.
The Library offers free wireless internet access (WiFi) for Library customers to use with their own personal laptops and mobile devices. Free WiFi is available at every Library location. Use of the Library's WiFi service is your agreement with the terms and conditions of the Library’s Wireless Internet Access Policy below.
Wireless Internet Access Policy
Wireless use agreement
Fresno County Public Library provides free filtered wireless access to the internet. Wireless users must agree to abide by the Library’s Computer Use Policy, Internet Use Policy and Rules of Conduct.
What is needed to access the wireless network
You should have a laptop with a charged battery and a standard wireless network interface card that is compatible with Wi-Fi standards 801.11a 802.1g. Most laptops that have been purchased within the past three years should meet this requirement.
When wireless access is available
The Library provides wireless access during normal library operating hours. However, high demand, reliability of technology and other factors may affect access. For these reasons the Library cannot guarantee the availability or reliability of the service.
Printing using the wireless network
To print from the wireless network, you will need to save your work and print from a Library PC. Current published fees apply. (See Fines & Fees)
Help connecting to the wireless network
You must configure your own equipment. Staff cannot troubleshoot your equipment. Please consult your user's manual, or contact your hardware or software provider for any additional assistance.
Wireless network security
Communication over a wireless network is not secure. The Library assumes no responsibility for the safety of your equipment or data while using the wireless network. The library highly recommends that all laptops or wireless devices have up-to-date anti-virus software, spyware protection, and a personal firewall installed while utilizing the Library’s wireless network.
Using power outlets
Available power outlets may be used wherever the cord does not present a tripping hazard or block access for patrons or staff. Chairs or tables are not to be moved to electrical outlets. It is recommended that you charge your battery before coming to the library.
Please access Internet applications with sound using your own headphones.