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From Bartleby - "Great books online"
American Heritage Dictionary, 4th ed., 2000
Roget's II: The New Thesaurus, 3rd ed., 1995
Columbia Gazetteer of North America, 2000:
All Bartleby

OneLook® Dictionary Search:
Valid wildcards are * (matches multiple letters) and ? (matches one letter).
Oneacross.com - Crossword puzzle, anagram help


State and Local Government on the Net - access to the websites of thousands of state agencies and city and county governments
World FactBook - Almanac of the nations produced by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. Good for current statistics, form of government, names of leaders.

Switchboard.com - Directory of people, businesses, and toll-free numbers. Find residence or business by phone number (reverse directory)
WhitePages.com -Directory of people and businesses. Find residence or business by address or phone number (reverse directory)
1-800Free411 - Get free directory assistance by calling 1-800-373-3411 or look up phone numbers on this web site as well as find residence or business by address or phone number (reverse directory)

USGS Geographical Names Information System - 2 million physical and cultural geographic features in the United States and its territories.
ZIP Code Lookup - Look up a zip code by address, or by city. Find city by zip code.
Area Code Lookup - Cities, zips prefixes within an area code, area codes within a city.

Conversion calculator - Over 5,000 units of measurement.
Time zone converter - Perpetual & other calendars
Currency converter

For more extensive collections of "ready reference" websites try:
Ready Reference - from the Internet Public Library
Ready Reference & Quick Facts - from Librarians' Index to the Internet