Find a School
- Search for Schools, Colleges, and Libraries - Nationwide search for public and private schools and colleges, as well as public libraries.
- College Navigator - Find general information about U.S. colleges, such as majors and levels of award, enrollment, and admissions
- College Prep Center - Apply for colleges and vocational schools. Get information on scholarships, grants and additional funding. All of your education needs under one link.
Apply for Financial Aid
- FAFSA - Free Application for Federal Student Aid (grants) based on financial eligibility.
- Cal Grants - Financial aid based on GPA and income.
Learn More about Financial Aid
Additional Resources
Standardized Testing
Education Statistics
- DataQuest - Facts about California schools and districts.
- Ed-Data - Fiscal, demographic, and performance data on K-12 schools.
- Condition of Education - Information on trends in schools and colleges, including student achievement, demographic profile, and learner outcomes.