Financial Aid for Education & School Data
- California Student Aid Commission - Learn about Cal Grants and other student aid programs.
- FAFSA - Free Application for Federal Student Aid, file online (Recommended).
- FastWeb - Set up a personalized profile that will match your specific skills, and abilities, and interests to fastWEB's database of over 400,000 scholarships. Free registration a few minutes. Make a note of your login ID and password.
- FinAid - Scholarships, loans, and other information about financing a college education.
- Student Aid on the Web - The US Department of Education site about federal financial assistance - grants, loans and work-study programs - for education beyond high school.
School data
School by school comparison of California public schools (K-12).
How many teachers and students at a school? How are kids doing on standardized tests? The sites below offer similar but not identical information. Ed-Data is a bit easier to use.