Do you have a story about how Fresno County Public Library changed your life? We'd love to hear it. Tell us your story!
Here's some of the reasons people like you love the Fresno County Public Library.
I enjoy taking my grandkids to the library to read books to them. They are never bored when we go to the library. They now can read books to me. One of their favorites is Go Dog Go. - Blanca, Selma |
My husband was unable to get a job with the degree he had as it had components that were out of date. When I found Coursera was free through the library, we signed him up. He completed 5 different certificates and was able to find a job! His employer mentioned that the certificates were what got him the job as it taught him the updated skills he needed. We wouldn't have been able to complete Coursera without the library as we couldn't afford it. |
It's a blessing in this country to a library, where I'm front there were no such a thing as a library. In my country we do not have libraries so you appreciate and love your books, why because they do not give books, when you start going to middle school, high school, college or university, reading is poor in my country.
The library was one of those lifesavers during the pandemic. Every book I ordered, online, was eventually delivered via curbside pickup. I read well over 100 books in 2020, all courtesy of Fresno County Library. Then, somewhere, mid-pandemic, I realized I could also order DVDs of television series that we had never seen (no streaming at our house, nor cable TV). What a pleasure to view so many series and movies. Although life is opening back up, I still love those days when I go by the Fig Garden branch, drop off my finished items, and step to the door to announce "I'm here to pick up items you're holding for me." The staff has been so kind and delightful through this whole new way of life. One of the staff delivers the books to the sidewalk table, calls my name, and we exchange pleasantries. A pandemic highlight!
The world may have seemed as though it stopped during the pandemic, but the publishing world kept turning out new books. Many diverse children's books have been published during this time, and each time I heard of one, I would request it from the library, to see if it might fit with my virtual storytelling for first and second graders at Columbia Elementary. So many new books! When one would be just right, I then ordered it from a local bookstore for my own library.
Hey my name is Ehsan! Glad to be here at this location seeing staffs brightly smiling welcoming members inside Library on a early morning! I am exceptionally admired by the staffs great attitudes toward me, others, on how they wiling to assist someone like me very fast and quick efficiently. No matter when I walked into The Rodriguez Library, I was greeted firstly, and as well treated with kindness. Hello to Mark and Birdi I am so happy about this and the way everything are.
I had a stroke in June 2015 and lost 95% of my vision. One of my greatest pleasures had been to read all kinds of books. Beth of Kerman Library told me about talking books for the blind that the Fresno County Library has. She proceeded to help me make application and do the paperwork so I could be qualified to use this service. She was very gracious and very kind. Then I started using the service and met Barbara and Ivy at the center and they had done everything possible to assist me. They have made arrangements for books to be delivered to my home, if I go in, they stop and pull tapes for me. I see them working for other clients. They go out of their way to serve the public. It's just been an amazing experience that has given me an opportunity to return to reading once again. |
I need some way to escape reality sometimes. I'd go to bookstores and look at the prices and know that I wouldn't be able to afford buying all the books I wanted to read. I'm always reading something, and thanks to having a library, I'm able to have the book at home and read on my own time. |
A few years ago, we had a disaster, our house caught fire in the middle of the night. Thanks to the fire department,we escaped. Of all the things they rescued were a video and a library book. We managed to bring them back, altho late. My husband briefly told them why they were late. A month later we were able to return back to the library. All of the staff at Gillis library gathered around us asking us if they could help us. They told us they tried to call and offered to help us in adjusting after tragedy. That really touched our hearts. They continued to offer help every time we come in. Please, please don't even think of closing the Gillis Library!! This staff are a part of our family. - Kathleen G., Fresno |
At the time I was growing up in China, the only library card I could have was from my school library. To get access to the main library in town, one had to be an adult and have a work ID. I could only read the books and magazines on the site. So when I came to U.S. at age of 18, image my excitement learning all I needed was an ID and address to obtain the LA country Library Card! It allowed me access to all branches! I was in ecstasy. At that time, where ever the books you borrowed from, you had to return to that branch. They didn't ship books to different sites for free. So I would travel 11/2 hours by bus to the China Town branch to get Chinese books. I would checked out the maximum limit (maybe 15 copies) at once to make my trip worth. I had to gage the weight, and give up the thick ones. On my way back, I was in 7th heaven! I had to caution myself not to immerse too much to miss my bus stop. Pass forward, with the renew of Measure B, we get book delivery to and return from any different branch to our branch for FREE. DVDs - FREE (it used to be $1). I love the Inter Library Loan service for book which is not in our system. I have gotten books from as far as Georgia, as different as library of UCSD! I have never pay a penny. Audiobooks are my favorite. I witness the change from book on tape, book on CD, play away and downloadable! What's next? I have the pride of introducing this love of audiobooks to my husband. Now he can't live one day without it, whether he's trimming trees, doing projects, at the sink or mowing the lawn! He wasn't much of a reader in school. Over the pass of 15 years, he has caught up on books he missed and now can chose from the top lists. I have only amazing and positive comments about how wonderful the Ebooks though Overdrive is. I love both audio and book version. I was pleasantly surprised to see quite a few of Chinese book options. Like Kim B., Kerman said earlier, NO late fee, cause the books return on its own. On my IPad, it even have a count down on the days remain. So easy! Now you can check out movie, too! Zinnio is the on line magazine service we enjoy tremendously. There are near 200 magazine to choose from, with a few in Chinese! I order all my books on line and use the FCPL mobile apps to mange my loans. With all the free books, DVDs, CDs, magazines available to us, the only limit is my time & energy. Also, I want to mention our treasure hunts at all Library book sales. With books as low as $.10, it's a win win situation. Many of our purchase look as new! Our home library has grown so much that we have to weed our collection once a while. We simply donate them to the next book sale, continuing the cycle. Lastly, we truly appreciate our librarian and all library staffs. They are all very friendly and helpful. We are on first name bases as well. We go in at least once a week. We are members of our friends of the Library group, so we can give our local library and community all the support we can. - Lea K., Kingsburg |
The Library and most of it's staff have been very valuable to all of many family. Not only do they help when asked, they provided assistance, guidance and friendship. The Central Library has become a safe place for my family to visit for research, school work, and fun. The crafts are enjoyable and appropriate for the age groups. I must add the patience and kindness shown to patrons of the Library is above and beyond what would be expected. I would like to thank all of Fresno County Library for their outstanding performance. - Rosemarie N., Fresno |
The library has made a huge difference in my life. I remember my mom used to take my brother and I when we were kids. The experience of going to the library has often inspired me to get out of the house, turn off the TV, and actually learn something. From the childrens books I used to read, to the DVD documentaries and movies I needed for College. I also learned many things from the books about computers. I am forever grateful for all the free learning tools at the library. I believe there's a wealth of information in here. My favorite book at the library, is the Bible. And there's so many other religious books, and study bibles, and tools for understanding the Bible. It can be overwhelming sometimes, but I still appreciate it. I appreciate the staff at the libary so much. There are all so nice and helpful. I can't remember how many times the staff have helped with a research assignment for school. Especially when I was in High school, and I didn't know as much about typing, and online research. Thank you. - Debrezion G., Fresno |
There is no better place to research the history of California and of my family than the Heritage Room of the downtown library. Not only does it have more information in one place than any other library between Sacramento and LA, it has very knowledgeable people to help find what I am looking for. This has been true to many years (I've lived in Fresno since 1989) and the recent remodeling expanded the public area so I can find more things on my own than I used to. Anyone who thinks they can do family history on their home computer is not thinking clearly. - David D., Fresno |
I like to visit the Fresno County Public Library because the humongous variety of books help me get my AR points, a point system at my school where students take quizzes to earn AR points. The library has helped me get many AR point awards during my elementary school year, and I like how the library has music, and games to play on and listen to. I like going to the library because it's a place where I can learn! - Alyssa Y., Fresno |
The first time I came to the Library I was only 2 years old. I listened to story time in the same room my mommy used to listen to stories when she was little. Now I am 5 and I am learning how to read. My favorite books include Scooby Doo, and Pete the cat. I love coming to the Library to read new stories and pick books to take home too. Its so awesome that you can get new books every time you bring back your old ones and it doesn't even cost any money. I love the Library It's my favorite place to go with my Mommy. - Ava S., Fresno |
Well one my greatest memories of the library was just hanging out with a close friend of mine and basking in the coolness of the air conditioner. The library became our refuge from going home early and spending time messaging each other on facebook. We were a lot more active. When the walks during summer seemed long we would come here and feel the fresh air surround us and feel welcomed. I was even able to create a book game here with my friend where we would try to create stories using the titles of the books we saw in the library. - Luis R., Fresno |
My best memory at the library was when I needed help with something one of the staff would help me and not only help me but other as well. - Alyssa D., Fresno |
My story is about how wonderful the library is. It is a place of great knowledge and kind people. You can check out books, movies, magazines, use the internet, take classes, have meetings, have staff help you find and request items. The amount of wisdom you will find in just one hundred books, is immense. If I read that many books I might be considered an accomplished reader. Yet it is there for everyone to take of the shelf and start. This institution should never become obsolete. It is such a huge part of our collective human history and life that if we ever lose it, our history and our culture will be in huge jeopardy. Yes the electronic gadgets help, But nothing fills the soul as picking up your favorite novel and reading way past the midnight hour. Lets donate help, volunteer all we can for the sake of our future and the future of our children. Thank you. - Albert A., Fresno |
Growing up I used to stay with my aunt and uncle in Reedley during the summer. They were devout Catholics so we used to go to St. Anthony's parish frequently which was located right next to the Reedley library. After church during the week I was allowed to go to the library to check out books, listen to story time, and check out the puppet shows. The Reedley library used to have a summer reading program and post a calendar of events at the beginning of every summer which I would attend regularly. This library gave me a love for books that I still have today. I am now trying to bring a library to my hometown of London, Ca because of my great experience with the Reedley library and look forward to passing my love of reading on to the next generation of readers. - Rob I., London, CA |
The library e-books are truly the absolute best value for my tax dollars. And am astonished when I talk about the ability to download so many books, and find individuals who have no idea that the library offers e-books. - Joyce Q., Fresno |
I struggled in school, barely graduated from high school and celebrated finishing with learning! Two or three years later I found myself in a library, checked out a book and read it in two days. I loved it! It was like I was mentally starving and was fed. I have been going to the library ever since. I could never afford my reading habit or be able to store it. Eventually I went back to school and found out that I am a life-long learner, who will always need to read, learn and study. I also found out it was my library and it's my books, movies, audio books that are there on the shelves. Sometimes, I have loaned them out and have to wait for them to return. It's like being a millionaire with a huge library with helpers! Thank you all for taking such great care of it! It should be in the Bill Of Rights that We The People have a library for all, not just a Congressional Library for a few. - Joel B., Kingsburg |
The Library is a way to escape the everyday boredom blues, because a person can escape to another place or learn about new places and exciting people. I have always loved being in the Library even as a young child I would go to the library at school just to check out a book. - Linda G., Fresno |
Ever since I was a little girl the library has been a place of comfort, and magic. This is the building that holds all the imaginations that the real world doesn't allow. The smell of the library is intoxicating with wisdom and knowledge of all ages, through out the ages. I now take my own children to the library, it holds just as much magic and wonder for them as it does for myself. As if I just had passed the torch down to them and they will pass it on to their own children. This is an activity that I hope will become a tradition to my family. I want to thank the libraries in my city for providing these magical places for every individual's imaginary worlds. - Gina, Fresno |
I come from a family history of uneducated migrants. My parents were the original Okies in the 1930's-1950's migrating to California during the dustbowl Oklahoma days! I am the only family member who can even read and write in three generations! I was the lucky one! I had an interest which prompted me to search and research until I found out about the "Right to READ" programs! I love to read! Reading gave me a life which has now given me a granddaughter who is in her second year of college! She is studying to be a doctor of psychiatry! Reading not only opened my doors, but for my whole generation's yet unborn! - Thelma S., Fresno |
My grandpa and I always come in to the library together. He always gets audio books and I always get hardcover. It's our favorite place to hang out! - Alexis K., Fresno |
In response to I Love My Library Month: Coming to my area library (Fig Garden Branch) is like visiting friends. I'm known by name to Deb and by sight to several other librarians. They are always helpful and friendly. Checking out books is another way of visiting friends. I have health issues that give me much opportunity to read. I love the convenience of ordering books and DVDs online and being notified by phone when they are ready to pick up. Thank you to the Fresno County Library for your generous service to me and to this community. - Billie J A., Fresno |
I take FAX Bus #28 or # 30 to the downtown Central Library. I always use the public computers and I have been comming to the library since 2001. - Nicholas G., Fresno |
My name is Charlotte, as you know, and I do know some of the staff here, on a first name basis. They know me by my red cowgirl hat, and my other little hats I wear. I am a young senior. I do not have my own personal computer, so, I use the public computers. I love to read a lot of the different books, I come across here. I tell my friends, I cannot work at the library, I would be reading the books lol! I lived in Madera for 28 years, my family and I , and Fresno four years. I always love the library, and the staff is very helpful. I know mostly everything here too. I made a business comment about the audio head pieces; like they have at the Medford,Oregon library; but the office never got back to me! I made one stupid comment 2 years ago.I wish the library could have a soda machine down stairs for all of us that come in the library. Whatever kind of support a person needs; the library staff can help you. Thank you so much for all the help you give me everyday! Very Sincerely, Charlotte L. S., Fresno |
The best thing that I've done at the library was Teen Crafts. - Betty N., Fresno |
I liked when the library had the summer activities over the summer. When I joined I attended the teen crafts, "It Was Fun " . I got to create a Journal , An Edible Beach , Friendship Bracelets, and a Mexican flower. It was pretty fun. I cant wait till next year!!! - Reyven S., Fresno |
The things you can do with a library card...My name is Kim and I LOVE to listen to audio books checked out using the online library system [Overdrive]. I listen to 2-3 books a week. Since I can only check out 5 at a time, I got my husband a library card and use his too :-) I appreciate the convenience of checking books out while never leaving my home. The process is easy and I can be listening to my book within five minutes of getting onto the library's site. Books can be checked out for one, two or three weeks. When the time is up, the book checks itself back in - no overdue books or late fees EVER! How great is that?! After checking the books out, I transfer them to my ipod. I can then listen while I work in the house or yard, take a walk, etc... I work in a school library and my favorite part of the day is Story time. I know that I enjoy it as much as the kids! Who doesn't love to be read to - the silly voices and characters one can create! The library's online check out system is my grown-up story time! Thank you for making it available. I am always telling people about it. - Kim B., Kerman |
I love to go to the Fresno Library because it helps me to refresh my mind when I have a hard day or not a happy day. I can read and forget all the things that had happened to me. Thanks for opening the library early in the morning. This is my story. - Mai, Fresno |
My best memory of the library is when I read to Aero [the Tail Waggin' Tutor]. The library changed my life because they helped me learn how to read. I visit the library because it's so quiet and neat. They deserve everyone's support because they are so nice so gentle to everyone. At the library I learned to be quiet. The library staff helped me by finding books for me. - Stephanie, Selma |
When I was a little, little kid my big brother would bring me a book from the library every time he went. When I got older I got my own card and used it so much I wore it out. If they hadn't changed to making them out of plastic, I'd STILL be wearing them out! - Mallory M., Fresno |
The best memory I have of the Fresno Public Library is the day it opened. It has brought so many books and movies and a great place for research in this small town of Tranquillity. And if you ask me, yes the library has changed my life. It has opened its doors for give me a place to do my homework. I visit the library because of the nice staff . Tina the librarian is a great person to be in the library working. The Fresno County Public Library deserves everyone's support because without the support of others, the library could be shut down. I learned from the books the library has. It showed me a world of adventure. The library staff has helped me understand the meaning of words and how to check out books. This is my story. The Fresno Public Library story. - Fabian G.,Tranquillity |
I'm so happy that I have a local library to visit and get amazing books from! I love coming to the library in my spare time, its so quiet and the librarians are so helpful! - Jasmeet C., Fresno |
I work at the Woodward Park Library. Today, a woman came in and said "I don't mind paying library fees, it is for a good cause"! She than said, "I am so glad Measure B passed, On the night of the election, as my husband and watched the results on TV, I said "Forget about who is to be president, DID MEASURE B PASS??" - Donna R., Fresno |
The thing about libraries is that they withstand the test of time. Even in our ever-evolving age of technology, we see that people need books. No matter your age, gender, or race, the library has a way of connecting you with the masses by way of all of its glorious books. Every time I pick out a library book, I get to experience so many new lives: the author's, the main character's, and even my own life relative to what I am reading. I imagine the generations of people who have read the same words I am privileged to read, the many hands that have lovingly held the book and turned its pages, the lives that have been touched by the stories told... It's a fantastic, yet humbling sensation. - Andrea B., Fresno |
[I'm] so thankful for the library. It's right next door! Classic movies available. Love biographies. If it doesn't have the book I want or need, they get it for me. Quiet. Great hours. Very helpful staff. And really good current books too. - Dana G., Fresno |
When I was in the 4th grade I received my own library card at school. I felt I was the richest little girl in school. Reading has given me many hours of pleasure and education. Thank you for making that possible. - Anonymous, Fresno |
Growing up in the 1950s, I didn't really realize that my parents and grandparents were trying to put their lives back together after World War II. I just remember being careful of where and how much we spent our time and money. We were either working or studying for school. In the third grade, my father encouraged me to get my own library card with my own signature and special imprinted metal number plate on a blue card all without any cost. I was very responsible to avoid any overdue fines of 5 cents a day. Today I still think the library system is fantastic for all the services that it provides. I still borrow library books as a preview before purchase. I think I always have something checked out everyday of my life. I can spend hours working on Family History using the Genealogy Library downtown. I support the Friends of Sunnyside Library by buying and donating books. - Jeanne N., Fresno |
My local library is a great place for me to study. I want to work at the zoo when I get older. And I need knowledge to work there. And the library has books to help me. I love my library and I want people to love their libaries too. - Gavin G., D |
When I was in 5th or 6th grade I was interested in reading the original books & stories from which some classic movies were made (i.e. Time Machine, Invisible Man, Frankenstein, Dracula, etc.) I went to my school library and was basically told that those books were only available when I got to High School. I then decided to go to my local [public] library which was in Long Beach, CA and checked out the books from there and later went back to the school library and pointed out the fact to the school librarian. - Michael R., Fresno |
When I was a child, I used to come to the library almost every day. It was a safe place to be where I could get help with my homework and indulge my love of reading in a safe and caring environment. The library was like a second home for me. Now that Im a mom, I love to bring my son here too. - Jennifer B., Fresno |
As a pastor of a local church it is important to me and my congregation to support our local library. The library is an integral part of community life. In these days of reduced financing, the library supplies needed resources for our schools, job seekers and others. And there are lots of good books to read. - Natalie C., Fresno |
I have problems bonding with my family at home and everytime I come to the library I feel at peace. I've came with my mom before and we enjoy reading the books together. They have a great selection of books and movies here. - Guadalupe S., Fresno |
When I was young, I did not have internet access or any reference book sitting on my shelf. The library was my lifesaver and helped me with my challenging homework. Without the help of libraries, I could not have done it. Also, I love going to the library. It is fill with kind librarians who are always willing to help, and it has numerous books that are entertaining like knitting, drawing, and making origami as well as informative one like how to take care of your child. Not only does it have an abundant books and helpful librarians, the library with its quiet environment is an ideal work place to do your homework, to do group project (because library have numerous sources), and to take a break reading your favorite book. - Mai chao Y., Fresno |
I am so grateful that Fresno library offers internet access. In these times of economic uncertainty, many of us cannot afford to buy computers, or cannot afford to have broadband at home. So, internet access and wifi at the library have enabled me to stay connected via Facebook. I also was able to complete a web-based class at Fresno City college, via Fresno Library's internet resources. I didn't have to commute to FCC, deal with parking, etc; I completed the whole class (a six week summer course) almost entirely from the Fresno (Central) Library. I thank Fresno Library, and particularly, "Friends of the Fresno Library", for enabling me to pursue my educational goals - Steven L., Fresno |
When I sat down, I read a story to my cousin and she kept saying "Wow!" - Emily, Fresno |
I am a staff member here at the Woodward Park Library. Today a gentleman came in who had just moved here from Oregon. He told me he had to turn in his library card before coming here and it really "shook him up" as he put it. He also said he felt empty without it. When he came to Fresno, the first thing he did was apply for a Library Card. When I handed him his card, he exclaimed "Wonderful! And thank you so much! When anyone gets a library card handed to them, they get the world handed to them." - Donna R., Fresno |
Every time I go to the library, it's always my best memories. Many of the library books had changed my life in many ways. Some makes me feel encouraged and some even made me move toward in life. at first, I visit the library to check out books for my school project. Then I realized that there are more books that can help my life and help me change. So I Just started coming to the library whenever I had time. The Fresno County Public Library deserves everyone's support because it is a place where people go and get social with others. It provides students with homework help and has programs to encourage them to learn. During my time at the library, I have met many different people who shares the same passion as I do. I have learned a lot while being at the library, like being cooperative and social. The library staff are very helpful. They help organize the books to their rightful places, help the customers find the books that they want, and lots more. I just want to thank the staffs and board members for having created the Fresno County Public Library. I hope that it will continue to exist for my children and grandchildren in the future. - Pa Zao Y., Fresno |
Ever since I could remember libraries were my home. My father enjoyed reading religious materials and soon found out that the children's section of the library could keep my brother and I grounded safe until he finished his research to his satifaction. One of my biggest memories was our red wagon that my dad used to haul us everywhere, instead of a stroller. My sibling and I would raid the children's section and wheel out with bags of kiddie books. I think that adults got a kick out of seeing us straddling the wagon with a paper grocery bag perched in front of us. I would say that books expanded our vocabulary, writing skills, and definitely helped us with our education. So many "old" people were astonished by our speaking ability. Little kids were just not supposed to know that many words! I think that emphasis on reading gave us the advantage that my peers and the younger generations are missing out on, playing PS3, Wii, etc. instead of using their imagination and word power. Thank you Library! - Hazel-Faye, Fresno |
The library has always been a part of my life. I was an only child raised by grandparents. Reading was a big part of my entertainment. The first experience was our library at school. From there I learned of the bookmobile at Shields and West in the Bank of America parking lot, where I could ride my bike and not even have to lock it up....It was a long time ago. I then was able to branch out to the Gillis Library on my bike of course but then locked it up. When I was entering Junior High we had a library at school and also in High School. I will read anything except Sci-fi....do not understand it. I passed the library life along to my kids and they were lucky enough to have the Auberry Library growing up. The Library is a place to grow and now I am lucky enough to work in one as well. - Karen C., Tollhouse |
I grew up in San Francisco and discovered a deep love of books at a very young age. My favorite memories included walking 12 blocks to our neighborhood library, half a block to the library near my Grandma's house, and taking Muni to the Main Library in Downtown San Francisco. It was at the library that I discovered a fascination with microfiche, learned to appreciate the ability to try new things, and that discovery of new favorites is the best part of the experience. The best memory is when I was 10 and I walked to check out armed with my library card and 20 books. The librarian smiled and told me I could only check out five as I already had 15 books checked out from the week prior. I was shocked that there was a limit and I spent half an hour deciding which books were most important. From then on, I kept a list of books, their locations, and their rank of importance. Fresno County libraries will be where I take my children to discover their favorite books. They will be the place to spend a rainy Saturday afternoon and a place where we can get lost in a world created by someone else. Don't ever forget that books are an art form. We may be in the digital age but that doesn't mean that we don't need books or librarians. - Melanie, Kingsburg |
My fondest memory of the Fresno Downtown Library was the day my grandmother took us to the children's section to hear a story read. Since then it has become my second church. When I had to go back to school,I needed so many new skills. The librarians were helpful with all aspects including preparation for the entrance exam.I couldn't have created a better quality of life without it. From cooking on a budget to preparing for retirement and anything in between. They are THE first place to go before making any important decision including where to look for a job. The public library should be the first stop in public funding because it prevents poverty and ignorance and thereby human suffering. If your children complain about being bored,encourage them to seek out activities at your local public library. - Deborah B., Fresno |
We are a family of readers and you know you can spend a lot of money on books at the bookstore, and here [at the Library] it’s free. - Deborah D. |
Not only did I find that “talking books” helped pass the long hours of recovery from various eye surgeries, they helped me see and understand parts of the world and people that I would never have met, including many in my own neighborhood. The Library and reading have empowered me, and so many others, with greater understanding and confidence. - Vernon C. |
In a small town such as Fowler, increasing literacy skills, being visible in the community, supporting our schools and reaching out to youth are important values. The Library program encompasses all of these values. - Gloria R. |
When my mother moved here [assisted living], she told me there was no way that she was ever going to read again. Then, she discovered the bookmobile. I just want to thank you and let you know that you and the bookmobile and staff changed my mother’s life, and especially saw her through these last few weeks of her life. - Anonymous |
I know [my child’s] familiarity with the library setting will be an asset for him in the future as this will be a safe place that he is going to equate with enjoyment. This would not have happened without the lapsits we attend each week. I hope that even though budgets are tight, these crucial services will continue. Many parents and children would be at a great disadvantage if library services were eliminated. I would be especially disappointed to lose such a wonderful resource that our family cherishes. - April J. |
My son and I both love the library. It's our special mommy and son time. He's almost 5 and loves to read like his mommy. We both love going to the Central library and taking a walk around downtown before we go in to check out the books. We go through a lot of books, by reading 2 at bedtime every night. I especially love the ebooks the library has available. - Gina S., Fresno |
I visited the Woodward Park branch just yesterday with my daughter and two grandchildren who wanted to see the library their great grandmother promoted and was reminded of all the services offered. We talked about the computers and internet access, meeting rooms, information services -- services that might not be available elsewhere to people for free. I used to go to the downtown branch almost daily when I worked across the street to buy used books and music and see what new books were available. Now I tend to visit less because I use the online services but during our visit yesterday I loved seeing the legacy from my mother to her great grandchildren of a love for books and reading and going to libraries. In fact my grand daughter was texting her friend with pictures of the library and her friend was jealous. There is something about books that just cannot be matched and the information is more accurate than we find on the internet. And where else can you find obscure reference books? I could go on and on.....Vicki C., Fresno |
I grew up in Clovis. Got to spend some of my time visiting the library as a little girl and all the way thru high school. In 2001, we had our first child and we visited the Clovis library often. Then for our daughter's first birthday, we asked all the attendees to bring a book to donate to the library in her honor in lieu of gifts. It was such a wonderful memory to bring a box full of books for others to enjoy. Then shortly after, we moved to Arizona where the libraries are huge and updated and have a lot of activities for kids. Well, this past December, we have moved back to Clovis, and the daughter that we donated books for is now 10 and we have 3 other kids. We home school all of them and we rely on the library for our schooling. So once a week, we visit the same library that has been in my life for a very long time. Our family LOVES to find books and see what might be hidden on the shelves! - Tawnya, Clovis |
Growing up in Kingsburg, I would go to the library after school. Both my parents worked so with no one to go home to, my retreat was our public library each day. I remember hours of talking with the librarian and getting suggestions of books. Her influence made me want to be a librarian. I escaped from boredom and loneliness to the stories of Pippi Longstocking and Nancy Drew. I won the 4th Grade reading contest for reading the most books. It was all from the influence of our local library and the staff members' encouragement to love reading. In Junior High, I did volunteer in the library and remember being taught how to treat books. Don't close the books with a pen or pencil in them! Books are your friends, treat them like that! Don't dog ear the pages! It is more convenient to look up books online than using the card catalog system from my youth. I hope to volunteer at our library soon so I can help encourage the love of reading and learning. I have a Kindle but I prefer the holding of a book and the turning of a page to the electronic versions. Today as an adult, I still smile as I enter into my local library (now Clovis). My husband and I are in the library every week. We appreciate the library and all the staff members! - Cathleen |